Of False Starts, Delayed Beginnings


I’m the worst starter.

Despite having started down the path of our tiny house dream a year ago, and being a couple of months into our build…this site has been parked at TinyHouseoftheSouth.com for many months gathering dust, cobwebs and and the occasional dustbunny.

“Do you have any photos of your house so far?” they ask.

“How cool! Are you blogging or documenting your build?” they press.

“We’re so excited! Please let us know when you start!” they exclaim.

I’ve been bombarded with inquiries like this all year long as the whole ordeal has snowballed,  all the while knowing that despite my best intentions, trying to successfully steward a blog would probably be quite impossible while building a house. Yet here I am. I feel a responsibility to myself, my future babes and the world to share our journey, if nothing else, to serve as a legacy—to show that simple living is attainable/rational choice, and that building your own home is a worthy and achievable feat.

That being said, I’m committing to at least one post per week. I’ll also be backtracking and catching up on photos and posts, so stay tuned, good folk!

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